I went through my old blog tonight. I went through and I cried, laughed and felt a little uncomfortable. It was something I have put off since last October when I deleted it. Of course it wasn’t forever deleted, but in my head it was erased and I wouldn’t ever read it again. It’s a closed chapter, it’s one that hurts and a feeling that sparks every kind of shame inside of me. I wanted nothing to do with it.
I created AnotherPorcelainHeart when i was 18. I was so innocent, so new to writing on a platform and so naive to the bigger things of this world. I had no idea what a lasting impact it could eventually have in this world, especially when it followed me for 8 years. 8 years of pouring out my entire being into that site. Over the last year, I have held such a shame over my writing and over my love. I have ran so far away from things that are deep and honest, raw and real. And most of it lied in the single fact that I believed I wasn’t good enough to write. I believed this lie that I wasn’t reaching people anymore like I used to - It wasn’t holy like it once was. It was just tainted. The other part of it was because someone I fell in love with, became someone who left and I believed it was because of what I had written, I believed it was my words.
Words have always held a sacred space for me. It was what got me through my journey through scoliosis when i was 11, every feeling through anxiety and through depression I dealt with in high school. It was my saving grace when I felt alone, when boys in school were assholes to me and when I got my first boyfriend. Words were there for me though the nights I didn’t want to talk to anyone about anything, but I let out my sadness, anger and some other times, my laughter, through my blog and journals. Words were just the thing that cured anything.
I’ve always wanted to be a world changer. I wanted to be a woman who spoke life into people because I have always believed this world needs more people who bring love, rather than hate. There are so many things that could be fixed if people were just nicer.
I promised myself one day I would write a story about how people impacted my life and how those were the people who taught me how to love like Jesus.
And so in 2018, I did that.
And it took me almost two years to complete it, but I did that.
I think people deserve to be celebrated. That their little kindness was actually big kindness and one that impacted someone - just like I wanted to do.
I threw out that book at the beginning of 2021 because once again, I felt as if my words weren’t worth much after hurting people in my path.
It didn’t occur to me until October that I held so much worth in my words that if anyone even touched the fingertips of anything I held sacred, I would crash and burn.
And so I did. I burned everything and I forgot what it was like to feel.
I didn’t want to feel, therefore I didn’t want to write. Writing led to feelings and feelings led me to vulnerability and I was terrified. I was scared and I felt so alone.
Tonight, I felt so anxious. More than I have in a long time. And while I was trying to pin point where the anxiousness was stemming from, I knew.
In this last week I’ve been asked multiple times how my writing has been and I have cried every time someone has brought it up. Because to be honest, its taken me a long time to heal from guilt and from stones thrown at my own words. I haven’t felt safe in it again like I used to feel.
It used to be a home, a safe spot for me to process everything and i’m trying to get there again.
But just like old friends take time to rekindle a friendship, so does you and your craft.
And I have to remember that.
I am not who I was when I created that blog, I have changed and a lot of things have drastically rearranged itself in my lens. The way I see the world is very different than who I was at 20, the way I believe in God is different than the way I believed at 23 and the way I love people is so different than the way I loved at 18.
I don't have the same following like I used to and not as many people will read much of what new things I write or my new site. I may never have the same viewers because this website is different than the old. It's who I am at 27 and who I will be in the rest of my 20's.
This year, I got honest with myself but I also ran from the one part of me that holds so much of who I am - a writer. I haven’t called myself that all year because I was so disgusted with that girl, but I am ready to step in again and truly try to find that girl in me.
I want this website to be one of honesty and this is my honest story. This is the shame I have been carrying with me, and it’s going to take a little more time to call this website a home but I am okay with that.
I want people to read the things I post on here and feel as if they are seen, like I used to do. I want people to feel understood, heard and wanted. I want to be a woman who changes the world with her love again. I am tired of playing small, I am so tired of running away from love and I am so exhausted of trying to fill my days with ignoring deepness. I want to feel things deeper again and wholehearted.
Tonight when i read my old blog, it was so raw. I was so real and authentic and I miss her so much. So let’s try again, will you stay? I hope you do.
XO. J.