it's been 10 years since I began writing, I was almost 20 years old when I decided to write to the world about my journey with self worth.
I started, AnotherPorcelainHeart, as a way to let the world know that I understood the depths of what it meant to try so hard to love yourself, believe someone loves you, and believe in Jesus.
There's a song called, "Porcelain Heart" by a band named Barlow Girl, I listened to it over and over again in high school. It was about a girl who didn't believe she was worthy of love. She walked around on shattered glass, trying to make it another day, but deep inside she was longing for someone to prove to her that she was beautiful and chosen.
I titled my instagram and blog with that name as a declaration to say, "I am just another one of those girls, who on the outside comes off always happy and joyful, but deep inside, I, like so many other girls, was trying to feel worthy of her own skin"
For years, I blogged and I posted on my instagram the ways God was teaching me how to heal in His hands.
I let people into my world and they let me into theirs.
I dedicated myself to making sure people felt loved, because growing up, that was all I ever wanted. I spent so many years wondering if i'd ever be good enough.
I was 6 years old when I got my first anxiety attack. It was early in the morning, I couldn't stop my hands from shaking and the tears kept streaming down my face like it was never going to end.
My dad held me in his arms and said, "it'll be okay" as I cried.
From that day forward, I felt like a broken record.
When I entered middle school, was when I really started to feel like I was broken. I was 10 years old when the doctor told me I had this condition called, "Scoliosis". Scoliosis is a spinal condition where your spine is curved at a degree causing pain and if not caught early on, can require intense spinal surgery.
I was taken to a specialist where they designed a back brace for me to wear 24/7 up until i was 18 years old.
If going through puberty wasn't enough trauma already, why not add a spine defect.
I fell into a deep depression from this, leading me to believe the worst things about myself.
The self loathing inside of me grew so numb that I truly believed God hated me.
From the age of 13 on, I started to self harm my body with nail marks deep enough to tear skin, standing in front of my closet mirror projecting words of hate just to make sure nobody else could hurt me with their own words besides myself, and I neglected every relationship with people closest to me.
Anxiety became a part of my every day, walking on pins and needles trying to manage my emotions but only to realize that my emotions ran me into the ground.
I became my own worst enemy. I tried so hard not to feel that I eventually didn't believe in love anymore.
But I SO desperately wanted someone to hug me and tell me that I was beautiful, that I was wanted and chosen.
I fell so far from Christ because I truly felt ashamed of who I was. Growing up, my family was very conservative, we went to church every Sunday and we prayed before every meal.
So I kept sitting there in the youth group room, outwardly okay but internally numb. I needed God but I didn't want to.. so instead i tried to fill the gaps.
I sat in my room and wrote songs that described how I felt and I shut out a lot of the outside world.
when I was 16 I met this really nice and cute boy in my youth group - we went out a few times and I genuinely thought this little high school relationship would work out for me.
One day when we were walking home from starbucks, he looked me in the eyes and said words that still make me tear up.
he said, "your happy is cute, you're a sweet girl jess, but your anxiety makes you ugly so I can't be with you."
I held it together and said, "I know" because what else are you supposed to say when you're 16 and finally feel as if someone sees you.
I began to truly believe that people would always leave. that nobody stays in the end. I wore the words, "people leave" like a chain around my neck.
That day, I made a promise to myself that I would never let another boy see my "ugly" parts, that I would only show the good parts of me to anyone I meet. I would be "happy and cute" .
I started wearing less clothes and showed more skin, I began wearing dark makeup to cover up any imperfections and I cursed more in my vocabulary than I would like to even admit on paper.
I wanted to be just like those "hot" celebrities on every TigerBeat Magazine.
I knew the right words to say, but I stayed at arms length so they couldn't tell me I wasn't worth it eventually. If everyone leaves, it'll be easier.
I realize now that living at arms length is a very dangerous and lonely place to live.
I spent months and months living in a place that felt so alone, so lonely and it was easier to come off to people that I was hardcore and unaffected by things than to show the hurt inside, to show any feeling.
There was a Sunday morning I was sitting in church, so defeated and angry, someone came up to me. Someone I barely knew, looking down at me she said the words i will never forget to this day. She said, "i dont know why but God really wanted me to tell you to open your bible to Jeremiah 31:3." and she read it aloud to me saying the words after, "jess, idk what you're facing but God wants you to know that you are loved, not you WERE loved or you ARE GOING to be loved, but you are loved right now just as you are ."
and I wept.
like the ugliest cry.
That day was one of the most prominent miracles I had ever faced.
I pondered that day for a really long time until I gave my life back to jesus. It took years, but it was the stepping stone that I needed to get me to who I am today.
It took a lot in me and a lot of help and guidance to find love. to find joy. to find jesus and myself.
I got to this point where I truly knew I had to stop taking the easier roads - we are all trying so hard to play it safe, and I wanted to be that girl who didn't anymore. Nothing worth having comes from playing it safe.
I remember praying really big words, "God, someone else needs a reason to believe. Someone else needs to know they aren't incapable of love. use my life."
I had to believe my life was made for something bigger than myself.
I have always loved writing. I journaled from the time I was 12 but this was the first time God put a dream in my heart in years.
Like I said in the beginning, I was almost 20 when I began blogging.
Some days I cried writing posts - they were so personal to me, but I needed to show the world that life is more than just highlight reels.
I remember trying to come up with enough strength to publish my first post. I was scared, I was shaken and I was nervous people would label me as FAKE.
But I pushed through.
Love never felt like a safe place to land for me. I tried and I tried to get rid of the noises inside my head claiming I wasn't good enough, that my true self wasn't worth showing .. but I HAD to believe that in this maybe, just maybe, I could find that I was okay.
I titled my very first post, "Beauty is Not your Face, My Darling". and I wrote about how hard it is to prove to yourself that people will think you are beautiful if you show your heart, not only your skin.
I did this for years, until my following grew and it GREW.
I started to get other young girls messaging me saying they needed to hear my words and that they felt the same. I engraved the words, "you are so worth loving" all over my platforms. every signature I wrote ended with, "you are so loved, my friend" & soon I began to believe I was loved, like I was speaking into people, too.
Over time, I made so many new friends online.
I started to pen pal and I began writing handwritten encouragement letters to strangers.
I opened my instagram to people and I asked them to drop their address if they needed to feel loved and i wrote them.
I started posting my every day struggles and started to tell others about my battle with self worth, with learning how to believe love was real and trying to understand beauty.
I dug deep DEEP into the meaning of love that I all I really knew how to do was love people so fiercely because of how many years I spent searching for that feeling.
I did this until eventually I believed it, i really really believed that I would be enough for someone one day, that I was loved by Jesus and that the more I spoke words of encouragement towards my body, the more I began to believe I was beautiful.
It's been 10 years this january that I began this journey.
and damn, it's been an emotional few weeks because as I look back at my journey, the more I see the hands of Jesus in my story so so personally.
I am going to be honest, there are some things I still do struggle with. I still get scared to let people see my messy parts, I still am afraid that my friends will leave sometimes, I am terrified that if i make a mistake that I will be blamed, I still battle anxiety and days when I lack some confidence - but I know who I am and I know the woman I am becoming still and who I am not anymore.
I know what love means and i've studied it for years. I rooted myself in the process of becoming until I became her.
we will always be people who are a work in progress, we all carry deep rooted things, but the difference you eventually learn is how to not let those things take a front row seat and you keep going.
I used to wear a key around my neck with the words, "beloved" on it. People used to ask me why I wore it and I always would say, "because it means love." the real meaning of the word is, "a deeply loved person" and I wore it to remind myself that I am loved, as I am whether I am happy, sad, messy, broken, angry... I am loved as I am.
I haven't shared my story in YEARS. but to celebrate 10 years of being a writer, I decided to share because of how proud of my story I am now. How much God has just moved in my life, without even noticing, he showed up.
my writing has come a long long way from where I began to now.
My style of writing and what I write about has changed - the way I see life has shifted.
I grew from this passive young scared girl, to this woman who only let the bold things touch her and teach her how to fight meaningful battles.
I always knew I wanted to be a writer, someone once told me I could be and for years I held onto it until one day I did.
Since then, I have written over 100 different posts and self published two books that I wish I could hug so tightly because of the road to get there.
Books I never believed I can dedicated myself to.
I have realized now that Jesus takes broken things and He uses them for His glory and makes them beautiful.
He can take ANY story and transform it.
I think this is why I love people so intensely. I lose myself in loving people because I once believed it wasn't good. My mom has always said, "if you love too deep and easily, people will take advantage of you so be careful", but I learned to go against the grain. If one more person feels worthy of love, even if I don't for a second than I know that God is shining through and He gets the glory.
I am a big believer in showing up. I say this to every single person I meet. You must show up. Love the process. do the work and then stay.
stay like you believe in magic, grace and God.
If you read this far, thank you. and if you did read this far, I hope you do know how valuable you are and that it matters that you are here, your story - it matters. and YOU matter, my goodness you do.
This world, I have realized in the last 10 years, has absolutely nothing to do with me and love always wins.
That's been my anthem all my twenties - it's the same thing I will carry into my thirties.
So to end this all, I hope you know how loved you are, my friend.
'cause you are and always will be.
XO, J.